Sticky Faith
Sermon 04/14/13
"Sticky Faith" Sermon Series
Today we begin a conversation about "Sticky Faith." What does it mean to be Sticky? What does it mean to share our faith? What does it mean to, especially, share it with younger generations? Do you have to be a child's parent to impart messages of belief? Do you have to be their grandparents, aunt, or uncle? Is the job only left to Sunday School teachers and Pastors to raise our kids in faith? Is it always "somebody else's" job? Or do we truly believe in the "it takes a village" sentiment?
where I would like us to start... Close
your eyes. Picture an adult from your
life, a moment from your life, that made a difference in your faith. Maybe it was a family member. A church member. A teacher.
A friend. A neighbor. Picture that person. What did they do or say that encouraged
you? Supported you? Made you wonder? Made you feel loved, valued, accepted? Made you feel like you weren't alone?...
you've got somebody in mind, I want you to write their name on the post-it note
in your bulletin. Take it home - pray
for them, if they're still alive, write them a thank you note. And put the post-it somewhere where you will
see it every day over the next month, as we talk about why Sticky Faith is
important. That person made a difference
in your life... How can you pass it on?
I was thinking about why this idea of Sticky Faith is important to me... I realized it's because I had so many people
throughout my life come alongside and guide me in the moments I needed it
most. And every one of them played a
part in who I am today. If it had just
been left up to my parents - I would have gone to church, but maybe would have
stopped going after high school, like so many (up to 70%) of kids do. If it was just up to my Sunday School
teachers, I would have quit church in 7th grade. (There's a story there - but
we don't have time to get into it. Let's
just say, my Sunday school teacher is in prison... Crazy!)
moved a lot as I was growing up - we started attending church full time when I
was 5. It was a huge, old, stone church
in a small town in Ohio. It was dark
inside... and the sanctuary had a
cavernous feel. It intimidated a
painfully shy little girl. But upstairs,
and around the corner, there was a classroom with two little old ladies who
knew my name the first day, who were always happy to see us, who sang and
laughed with us every week. (Most of the
funny childhood church songs I still know, I learned from them!) I don't remember their names, but I can
picture them in my head - with their perfect white wispy curls and colorful
church dresses. They made me feel
accepted and welcomed, just because I was there.
fifth grade, I got to move into the "cool" class. Ms. Nancy was my teacher. She was cool and hip, and made us all laugh -
even while teaching us lessons about the Bible.
She liked to make our class memorize things - which I have always been
horrible at! We had to memorize the 12
disciples names and the 23rd Psalm, among other things. It always took me weeks longer than the rest
of the class to complete the assignment...
Everyone would get stars on a chart when they did it - and my spot was
left open for a while... But the thing
about Ms. Nancy? When I finally did get
it - it wasn't "well, it's about time!" No...
She made it sound like I got the winning homerun of the game! As soon as I could recite the verse - she'd
throw a party. It wasn't about me - it
was about the whole class - but she never made me feel like I was holding
things up. She made me feel loved,
valued, and accepted no matter what. And
in getting the rest of the class to cheer me on - she made sure I never felt
like I was all alone. When we moved away
from Ohio, she gave me a card with a handwritten note about how much she
enjoyed knowing me - to a painfully shy kid?
That meant the world! I still
have it...
5th grade teacher, Ms. Leffel, also went to my church. It was a weird mix of worlds as a 5th
grader... I found myself watching her
more carefully at school - and noticing that she was a little different from
some of my other teachers. She was warm,
happy, welcoming, excited to see us - and she laughed, a lot. Which I loved about her. She didn't necessarily talk about her faith
at school - but knowing she had faith made all the difference in how I viewed
her. She was kind - always. She made every kid in class feel loved,
valued, and accepted - no matter what.
And she always had this way about her that made it seem like we were all
on the same team. Never alone.
moved to California when I was in 6th grade - and I found a new teacher that
had a profound effect on my life. Mrs.
Langer was a quiet older lady... Short
and a little messy. I was starting a new
school and once again, painfully shy.
But she was interested in art and music.
She would spend big blocks of time in class introducing us to artists
like Georgia O'Keefe and MC Esher - both of which drew my attention. She'd play classical music while we read or
wrote. She made us write our own books -
complete with illustrations. She noticed
my creative talents - and encouraged them, giving me a voice and an
identity. She saw into me and noticed
gifts and talents I didn't even know existed at the time. She loved, valued, and accepted me. And in her guiding, I knew I was never alone.
we moved to Minnesota in the middle of my 7th grade year. (We only lived in California for a year and a
half - my family refers to that time as the "extended family
vacation.") This was a hard
move. Junior High kids can be mean. I was coming from a different way of life and
was suddenly being judged for my clothes, what folders I had, where I lived,
what my hair looked like... It was rough. And I wanted nothing more than to go back to
California. But we started going to Eden
Prairie United Methodist Church - and I found a place that I could be myself
in. I had a Sunday School teacher that I
still run into occasionally. He talked
about real life, actually read from the Bible and challenged us with questions
about what the scriptures meant, he shared his thoughts from his weekly Bible
Study - and was always thrilled to see us!
He knew I craved a little deeper discussions, and wanted to learn about
prayer and devotions - and he always took the time for me. He was patient. Kind.
And willing to share his faith journey with a bunch of teenagers - no
matter what their response might be.
Drake, and his wife, Terry, were special people to me at a time when I
could have easily decided I didn't need to go to church anymore - they knew
me. Noticed me. And noticed if I wasn't there... And that meant something!
weekend, our Children's Ministry Chair, Leslie Watkins, and I attended SPLASH -
a children's ministry conference - and I had another reminder of an adult who
made an impact on my faith life. The
summer between my junior and senior year of college, my home church in Eden
Prairie was going through a Youth Ministry crisis - the Youth Director had quit
and they needed someone to keep the momentum going through the summer. I applied and they hired me as an interim
youth director. I had a blast that
summer - but really didn't know what I was doing! The Children's Ministry chair, Deb, took me
under her wing and showed me the ropes.
Deb had known me since I was in 7th grade - and was excited to work with
me and teach me knew things. I learned
all kinds of things from her - as well as a bit about her own faith journey. She was my "partner in crime." I hadn't seen her in many years, and
yesterday as I scooted into a workshop a little late - one seat was open in the
class, and halfway through the presentation I really looked at the person next
to me... And guess who it was?! Deb! We had a great laugh - and shared ministry
stories. So fun to be reunited with
someone who played a role in where I am today - and gave my faith a nudge at
just the right time in my life as a young adult...
could go on and on with examples of adults who played an important role in my
faith life. There were neighbors who
invited me to their Vacation Bible Schools, the people who sat next to us in
the pew every week and always wanted to know what I was up to - and noticed if
we missed a Sunday, older church members who treated us like we were their own
was it about these people that made them so important to me? What was it about the person you remembered a
few moments ago that made them so important to you? Did they have seminary degrees? Did they know all the right answers? Were they hip and cool? Were they related to you? Most of the people I mentioned didn't have
any of these things. That wasn't what
mattered. What mattered was that they
saw me. They knew my name. They accepted me as I was. They valued what I had to offer. They loved me - for just who I was at that
moment. And I never felt alone when they
were around - they never would have let that happen. They made sure I knew that they were there
for me.
what sticky faith is all about. It's
about sharing our lives and our faith with those around us. We talk a lot about sharing the good news
with co-workers, neighbors, friends...
But we forget that our youngest church members need to hear and see
about God's work in the world - and in our lives - too. We take for granted that if they're in our
building somebody's teaching them... so
we think we don't have to worry about it.
may be a "multi" generational church - but it takes work, and love to
be an "inter" generational church.
Remember family gatherings?
Sitting at the "kids table?"
I hated that as a kid. I wanted
to hear the stories the adults told. I
was curious about their lives and what was important to them. I studied them to learn how to behave at the
table... But though I craved to be part
of that world - I still got stuck at the kiddie table... Isn't that what we do to our kids at
church? They can come in and look cute
for a few minutes - but then they are sent down the hall to rooms that many of
you have probably never even visited...
Do you know the names of 5 of our kids?
Do you know what they are interested in?
What makes them laugh? Do they
know your name? Would they feel like
they could ask you for help if they needed it?
Something to think about... What
if everyone in our church was valued?
And what if - we all decided to share our lives and faith together?
here's the deal - the idea of Sticky Faith is totally Biblical. Jesus said, "let the little children
come to me." Jesus said we have to
become "like children" to enter the kingdom of God. (And who's going to teach us - and remind us
of what that means, if not our kids?) God
loves children - and asks us to share that love with them - with each
other. This idea of Sticky Faith is
bigger than Youth Directors everywhere wanting more help with our youth. It's bigger than me and my dreams for what
our church could be. This is God's
vision for us. So don't just trust me -
trust God. Because God can and will give
us all the wisdom, guidance, courage, and ability to reach out to others in
love - even our kids!
some point, each and every one of our kids will get to an age where they get to
start deciding if they come to church...
And with today's busy schedules and array of things competing for their
time - the only way a youth or young adult will make their church community a
priority, is if they feel like they matter there. They need a community that values them - and
not just says they value them, but lives it out in words and actions. They need a place that has purpose for
them. Why do they need to be here? What do they have to offer? I think all too often, we give youth
especially, the idea that they're not quite good enough. The littlest kids are cute and entertaining
to have around. But once you hit 7th
grade - we don't understand you. We're a
little intimidated by not knowing your language, your technologies, your
interests... And so, instead of asking
and taking the time to get to know them - we keep our distance. Which tells them they aren't important and we
assume their parents and youth director are all they need. But it's so not true....
faith is about helping our youngest members to develop an internal faith and an
external faith - a faith that is their own, and that is lived out in decisions
and actions. Something we definitely
learn by witnessing how others live, learning by example from trusted
friends. Sticky faith is personal faith
- but also communal. It's about being
part of a community - and we learn about being part of a community when we are
invited in, cared for, and given a purpose within that community. Sticky faith is about spiritual growth - the
process of always learning and growing.
We don't continue growing on our own - we need one another.
we certainly don't have to be perfect to come alongside a youth or child - and
just be their friend. I love the quote,
"people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but
people never forget how you made them feel." All those people I mentioned from my
childhood? Half of them I don't remember
their names, or specifics about their lives....
But I know how I felt when I was with them - and that's what made all
the difference. Everyone of us can be
that for our kids.
Sticky Faith book and resources comes out of research done at Fuller Youth Institute
- research into young people's faith as they exit high school and enter college
- and beyond - and the practices that can lead to lifelong faith and service. I'll be honest, the statistics in the first
chapter are daunting. And it feels a
little hopeless at first... But I love
what the authors wrote about why they wrote the book: "a major reason we wrote this book was
our deep desire for kids to journey through life with the God who loves them
more than they can even imagine. You - who
are reading the book and part of the conversation - are more than a launching
pad for that journey; you are also an ongoing companion, guide, and fellow
you have a single kid in your life...
Read this book. It tends to talk
about things from a parent's perspective - but any of us can use these ideas
with the kids we know. And it's
practical. There's no silver bullet to
giving a kid a life of faith - but there are ideas in how to be that guide
along the journey. And does it mean my
life has to be perfect? That I have to
have all the answers and never have made mistakes? Absolutely not! It means I have to be willing to listen, to
share, to hear what they are saying, to question things with them... To know their names. To accept them for who they are. To value what they have to offer.
see our littlest kids every Sunday during the children's chat - and
occasionally when they sing for our worship service. They're cute, full of giggles and
smiles. They come with silly answers and
sometimes big questions. Sometimes, they
like to tell Pastor Penny that she gives them the same blessing every
week! We see bits of their individual
personalities shining forth - and it's easy to say hi to them, because they're cute
and little and bounce on by!
what about our youth? We have some great
youth in our church! They tend to sneak
around under the radar... I'm guessing
they talk to very few adults on a Sunday morning. But for goodness sakes - say hi to them! They are funny, smart, full of interesting
thoughts and ideas. They're creative and
willing to try all kinds of new things.
They're willing to be silly one minute and work hard to serve others the
next. They're in every sport under the
sun. And they can surprise you in all
kinds of ways. The girls in youth group
asked for a book study about spirituality...
Whoa! We started last week and
had a blast together! (The boys prefer
paintball for Jesus - but that has its moments too!)
the thing - they're technically still kids.
Their brains are still developing - and body chemistry is messing with
them something fierce right now. Sorry
guys - but it's true. That's part of
what makes people your age intimidating to some. You're learning how to be in the world - and
it's a process, so it's ok to be in the "kid" category... And adults - that means it's still your job
to reach out. It's not their
"job" - but yours. It's your
job to notice the youth that sit in the pews around you. The kids that are in line for treats in front
of or behind you. Tell our acolyte what
a fine job they did today! Instead of
watching the kids scurry through the entry way into the youth room - say
"good morning!" Ask their
names. Names matter. Using someone's name says "I see
you" and "I know you."
Tell them your name - and quiz them on it the next week! They like games!
is all of this such a big deal? Why does
it matter if our kids come to church - if they decide to stay a part of a faith
community throughout their lives? Is it
about making sure our numbers are "up" in the coming years? No...
Not at all.
me, it's about our kids knowing a God that will always be with them. Revelations 1:8 says, "I
am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is
to come, the Almighty." Pastor
Penny likes to remind us once in awhile, that if you live and breathe, you will
have trouble in life. We all do. The gift is in knowing that God is with us
when that trouble strikes.
moved a lot as a kid. I was lonely. But not at church! I started suffering from migraines in 3rd
grade. They got reallllly bad in college
- so bad, I became depressed when my grades faltered, I had to give up
volunteer positions, and I worried about jobs and friendships. I developed insomnia - and no one, not even
counselors took any of this seriously.
Life got hard. It got dark. And really scary for awhile.... Bad choices were made. And life got even harder.
you know what got me through? My
faith. In those hopeless moments,
opening my Bible to the verses I learned as a kid. Dragging my butt out of bed and going to
church. Prayer. No one really taught me how to pray... But I read somewhere that it was just a
conversation with God - and I remembered how Drake prayed at the end of our
Sunday school classes... And I started
to pray on my own...
would have happened to me if all those people along the way hadn't seen
me? Hadn't encouraged me? Noticed me?
Valued me? Accepted me? Let me know that they were with me?
if they had never shared this thing called "faith" with me? The message that God is with me - God has
always been - God will always be. That
God has been with them in their darkest days - and continues to be with them as
they live their everyday, ordinary lives...
That God celebrates the bright and shiny moments with them - and cries
tears of heartbreak when it all falls apart.
that's what I think matters - yes, it's fun to debate the big theological
questions - and kids are great at asking them.
But in my mind - God's too big to ever know those answers! It's the everyday that matters most to
me... It's the everyday love and acceptance
that I try to share with our kids. And
that's something we can all share with our young people!
author Anne LaMott shares a story about when she was a little kid. She had been out playing and going farther
and farther into the neighborhood, until she realized she didn't know where she
was anymore... She was lost. In her wanderings, she found a police car and
told the officer she had gotten lost and the officer asked if he could take her
home. She said yes, climbed in, and when
he asked where her home was... she said
the name of her church! She couldn't
remember her address - but told the officer if he took her to her church, she
could always find her way home!
Isn't that what we want for all of God's children? A life oriented from a sense of "home" in God's family? A purpose and community - where we are loved, valued, and never alone? Where in those darkest moments of life - our souls have been opened to knowing God's love - in the midst of it all?
can you be a person who helps to nurture that in our faith family? How can you pass on the gift that your person
(on your post it) gave you? If we
believe that God truly was, and is, and is to come - the beginning and the end
- isn't that a truth worth sharing?!